Sunday, March 6

Thoughts that Pop 1.3

Catching up on American Idol 10, Top 24 results show:

To Thia Megia: When you know you're going to be on television, in front of millions, why in God's name would you wear that awful sweater? Again??

Casey Abrams is my American Idol 10 boyfriend, due to his melodica and auditioning with "Why Don't You Do Right?" while playing stand-up bass. Previous winners include: Lee DeWyze and Bo Bice.

I will miss Jordan Dorsey and his freakishly long fingers and thumbs a la Morgan Freeman in Lean On Me.

Contrary to popular belief, I will miss Brett Loewenstern and his feminine wiles.

No, judges, not Naima. Oh, God, no. She is so gnarly.

Friday, March 4

Thoughts that Pop 1.1

Saw a "Jeebus" fish on a Ford Escape on the way to work. Moved on before I could get a pic.

Thursday, March 3

Thoughts that Pop 1.0

There are 2 people from The Daily Show in this movie. 3 if you count Steve Carrell. More if you count anyone I'm missing.

I've seen Lucas have many light bulb moments lately. You can see the wheels turning, then the light bulb. This makes me the happiest as I've been as a mother so far. Last night, it was figuring out what "blocks" means.

Jordan Dorsey (American Idol 10, 12 fellas night) has freakishly long fingers and even longer thumbs.

There are these cookies I loved called Magic Middles. I haven't found them in years. They appeared at work, and I had two. Something right in a week of at least 5 major wrongs.

Traffic tip: On Page Ave, the right lane is actually the passing lane. Just go with it.

I don't have Bone Thugz on my work iTunes, so I can't listen to No Surrender.

Lucas loves spicy food.

You know how Dove Promises chocolates have little inspiring messages in them? So do my cough drops: "Take Charge and Mean It."

In my head, to girl who's short to begin with: "Girl, that skirt is doing nothing for those hips"

Peace out.

Wednesday, December 22

Dear Miata driver

Dear Miata driver,

You are in a Miata with racing stripes. You are going 50 in a 60.
A 20-year-old Ford pick up with a trailer is passing you.

Driver behind you this morning on 170

Tuesday, September 7

I could totally eat a hundred of each of these right now

D fell asleep early, and H came over to keep me company. I wasn't thinking, and followed much wine with much beer. Way to end the Labor Day weekend!

Now it's almost lunchtime and I want a hundred...
  1. McDonald's Hamburgers
  2. Casa Gallardo Chunky Chicken Quesadillas
  3. Hardee's sausage biscuits
  4. Taco Bell Cheesy Gordita Crunches
  5. Cheese pizzas from Frankie and Louie's
  6. Ding Dongs
  7. Chicken wings, spicy
  8. Grilled buffalo chicken sandwiches from Seamus McDaniel's (Homemade bleu cheese dressing!!!)
  9. Bowls of that orzo pasta salad me and D used to make all the time
  10. Bowls of Spaghetti O's, with meatballs
I'm reading "In Defense of Food" right now, but with cravings like these, I suppose it isn't sinking in like it should. Surely Michael Pollan has had a night or two of overindulgence followed by a breakfast/lunch of greasy goodness, don't you think?

Probably going to hit Subway

Wednesday, September 1

In favor? Opposed?

Things That Are Against Me Today (Nay!)
  1. Acuras
  2. The weather
  3. The gas light in the Jeep
  4. Gas prices
  5. My orange highlighter
  6. Wet pavement/asphalt
  7. Taco Bell

Things That Are In Favor of Me Today (Aye!)
  1. Poopy Diapers
  2. Sandals
  3. Taco Bell

New Directions

It has been over a year and a half since I've checked in at the ol' blog.

My NEW and FOCUSED idea is to publish lists. Of anything that pops in my head. Because the internets is interested.

For any idea that is negative, I will create a positive counterpart to maintain the balance (see below). The first list will be the initial idea.

A while back at an art exhibit, I saw an installation comprised entirely of lists made in pencil on loose leaf, ranging from music to weather to why the artist could not get laid.

I can't deny that I thought that was dumb. For an art exhibit. But not for a blog, right?

In honor of the title of this post, and my new direction and (gulp) commitment to updating, I humbly submit the following duo:

Reasons "Glee!" Sucks
  1. Rachel's face and wardrobe
  2. Quinn had a baby choreographed to "Bohemian Rhapsody"
  3. Rolling Stone interviewed some of the actors (the chicks who play Rachel, Quinn, and Sue Sylvester, and the dudes who play Finn and Kurt), and they sounded like douches. Even Jane Lynch (Sue), which was disappointing.
  4. Fake pregnancy thing.
  5. Wasting Slurpees
  6. Mr. Schue's singing
  7. Nightmare-inducing "Vogue" video

Reasons "Glee!" Doesn't Suck

  1. Sue Sylvester is a hell of a role model
  2. Brittany's one-liners
  3. I would not have heard "Single Ladies" if I hadn't watched
  4. Neil Patrick Harris
  5. Mercedes can wail!
  6. Bursting into song is delightful!
  7. Some of the mash-ups are pretty cool

Monday, February 9


by the week of thanksgiving, it had been four months and my cycles were still out of wack, so i made an ob appt. being 2008, i figured there would be something they could do for me. not that four months is particularly long, but with cycles ranging from under 3 to over 7 weeksl, and lack of decent info from my pcp, i felt a check-up couldn't hurt.

my appointment was at 2:30 on monday, december first*. i arrived with my bbt charts in hand, which included some other info that would be helpful in predicting good days for, ahem, trying, as well as testing.

the tech had me pee in a cup and showed me to an exam room. when the dr saw me, i explained that the charting software had said i'd ovulated, and to pee on a stick on friday, november 21, then a week before that, changed its mind and said that ovulation had not been detected. i'd tested that day anyway (10 days prior), and came up NO. which was fine, because my sister was having her thanksgiving bash the next day, and if i wasn't pregnant, at least i could take part in festivities, right?

the dr checked my charts, and said i should have ovulated about when the software originally said. She suggested we do an ultrasound, to check for bad things to rule them out, then figure out what to do. i was led to the u/s waiting area, and started to get nervous. what if there's something really wrong, and the pill had had nothing to do with it? what if...oh the doctor's back. "new plan," she said. "let's talk in my office."


"you have not gotten your period lately," she told me, "because you are pregnant."

me: oh my god.

dr: it looks like you're about 6 weeks.

me: oh my god.

in a daze, i accepted the bag of vitamins and the pamphlets she handed me, and made an appointment for the next week.

thank goodness daren answered when i got to the car and called him.

daren: any news?

me: yeah

daren: what kind of news?

me: big news.

he decided to cancel his students and come home so we could celebrate. next i called my mom. she cried.

*you'll notice that this date, the date i discovered my pregnancy, is AFTER thanksgiving. just want to make that clear as i've heard someone is convinced (unfoundedly) i was keeping secrets over that weekend.