Tuesday, October 23

siempre olvido

always forget...

robert goulet is in beetlejuice. he was really funny on howard stern once, and i love him. right on.

come sail away

i love the lake. i love the lake in autumn, when i get to go on a boat. saturday, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

the people we stayed with have a house on a cove. the cove is like melrose place, only with a lake instead of a pool, and rednecks instead of californians. also, everyone is older than the people were on mr (i think). we were serenaded by nickelback sing-alongs from the second tier.

it was sad to leave, but a beautiful drive back to the interstate. i'm starting to know my way around that area. daren is ready to buy a lake house. we're hoping to have one by next summer (BIG hope). then we'll need a boat, of course. pontoon or ski boat?

i'll post some pix when lacey gets hers developed. my camera is still m.i.a.

these thoughts keep me going on cold gray st louis autumn day, when it feels like it's nighttime out when i'm in my office.

hacienda happy hour today. i don't think we'll sit outside- brrrrr!