Wednesday, December 12

my heart's crammed in my cranium

i have had a headache since friday.

i take stuff and it takes the edge off, but it never goes away.

i've had to cancel/say no to at least one thing each day since then, because i'm in pain and crabby. it better go away, cause there's a lot going on this weekend that mustn't be missed. and next week. grrrrrrr.

this = me venting

you = feeling sorry for shauna and her dumb head

i have a doctor's appointment for jan 7 for a physical, but hopefully it will be gone by then! why is it so impossible to get a doctor's appointment? if this headache is a sign of something serious, i'm gonna be sooooo pissed.

thank you.

Friday, November 30

it's LOG!

or Shauna's Still a Kid Even After Going Corporate

Tuesday 2 of my bosses were in town, and informed me we would be going to dinner with one of the managers of the client I work onsite for (for whom I work onsite? yuck!)

During the dinner, one of bosses and the manager's husband found they are both fans of pachinko machines. The manager's husband's father had brought one back from Japan during WWII, and he figures it's worth some cash being that, and this is a direct quote:

"it's big, it's heavy, it's wood"

I looked around to see if any of the other 3 people at the table had caught that. They hadn't, which I attribute to the fact that I was the youngest person present, and the next youngest person was 10 years my senior. Therefore, I worked hard to suppress the laughter.

But you'll laugh with me, right?

Tuesday, October 23

siempre olvido

always forget...

robert goulet is in beetlejuice. he was really funny on howard stern once, and i love him. right on.

come sail away

i love the lake. i love the lake in autumn, when i get to go on a boat. saturday, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

the people we stayed with have a house on a cove. the cove is like melrose place, only with a lake instead of a pool, and rednecks instead of californians. also, everyone is older than the people were on mr (i think). we were serenaded by nickelback sing-alongs from the second tier.

it was sad to leave, but a beautiful drive back to the interstate. i'm starting to know my way around that area. daren is ready to buy a lake house. we're hoping to have one by next summer (BIG hope). then we'll need a boat, of course. pontoon or ski boat?

i'll post some pix when lacey gets hers developed. my camera is still m.i.a.

these thoughts keep me going on cold gray st louis autumn day, when it feels like it's nighttime out when i'm in my office.

hacienda happy hour today. i don't think we'll sit outside- brrrrr!

Friday, April 20

fourteen songs that never get old

in the spirit of updatable blogs.....

hey ya! - outkast (2003) &/or 7 shot screamers live

laid - james (1993) (really, the whole album)

the joker - steve miller band (1973) (hey, me and thousands of frat boys can't be wrong, right?)

dirty epic - underworld (1994) (i always say if i had to choose only one "track" to hear from now on, it would be this one)

rest assured - lemonheads (1993)

mai qui est la belette? - manau (1998) (lorrie's contour the summer we met daren. oh, and craig too)

down with disease - phish (1994) (their biggest commercial hit evokes memories of tammy visiting me in chicago)

6 underground - sneaker pimps (1997)

b.o.b. - outkast (2000) (cruising the strip in gulf shores w/my sissy)

snake farm - ray wylie hubbard (2006) (kdhx played this & made daren and me laugh when we needed it. funniest lyrics EVER!)

hot like a sauna - tricky (1999)

fool's gold - the stone roses (1989) (THE ultimate i'm-chill-&-so-tough song)

flash light - parliament (1977) (THE ultimate party time song. PARTY!)

baba o'riley - the who (1971) (long ago, at someone's house late at night, holly & i had a blast dancing to this song. i don't think we were teenagers anymore though)

Monday, April 2

it's a matter of tact

some ramblings (durka durka worka worka) blog, so it's all about ME!

oh, my god, do i hear a baby crying in the office? can i bring my cat to work tomorrow?

this weekend, my significant other came out to a few bars with me, as he so rarely does. At one of the venues with one of the crowds, he pointed out something that i've been noticing for years, but was unsure if it was just me, or real, or what.

"how come you're not in the picture?" is it true?

all of my friends are picture takin' fools, god love 'em. sometimes, i'm in the mood to take a ton (can we say "craig schuster opens for leon russell"? seriously, i think i averaged about 50 shots a minute) and am not always mindful if i've included everyone. who's got time to think about that, when there is such a good time to be documented?

one friend, however, seems to avoid including me in the frame. not sure if it's conscious, subconscious, or unconscious, but i'm pretty sure, given the issue's frequency, that it's some sort of conscious.

now, i could think "hey, who does that joker think s/he is? does s/he think i'm ugly or something?" especially when they visibly roll their eyes when someone asks me to get in. i could have developed a real complex about this after all this time.

BUT - they can think what they want, because what i've learned is that i look pretty awful in most of the photos this person takes of me. someone else can include me and i look all superstar & fun times, and in a photo this person takes at the same event, i look like i weigh about 300 pounds and am half dead. "i am smelling like a rose that somebody gave me cause i'm dead and bloated!" ew, how does stp keep creeping in to everything i do lately?

a strange phenomenon to be sure. no ending to that really. it's getting rather difficult to keep things anonymous. moving on to....

.....A NEW CAR!!!!!

felix will be retired this friday (as in, not working, as opposed to getting new tires). the dealer offered me a $400 trade in, if that paints a picture of my need for a new car. i can't wait, i can't wait, i can't wait. i'm going to drive and drive in my new black shiny scion xA - i'm thinking of naming it felicia, since i've decided she's a girl and can be felix's namesake. the promise of a new car has done wonders for my self-esteem.

88 days until i'm hitched. anybody feel like dancing?

Wednesday, March 21


it's spring now! i wore a skirt today! it's supposed to storm this week! after a topsy turvy winter, spring will surely bring some calm, and maybe, just maybe, i'll get to go out and see my friends more, since i'm FINALLY getting the hang of my new (demanding) job!
love you all!!!