Wednesday, January 21

catching up (circa 8/08)

Today I'm 12 weeks, with my first. It's really starting to sink in, but I can't help but worry (I'm a real worrier, that's why my friends call me Whiskers. Wil Ferrell as Harry Caray? Anyone? Never mind). I've only known about the pregnancy for 7 of the 12 weeks, and since those 7 weeks have gone by so slowly, well, I don't think it will ever be August!

I said I was going to be good about blogging and recording my feelings & such, but I've slacked so far. Therefore, as I near the end of the first third of this journey, I shall play the age-old game of "Catch Up."

In the beginning...

We (I) decided that we would start trying after our first wedding anniversary. So, on June 30, after over ten years, I stopped taking birth control. So many people (including my mom) had told me that they got pregnant right away when they got off the pill. So I waited.

My cycles were out of whack. I didn't make an OB appointment, because it had only been a few months. I did go to my GP twice over the summer, for other issues, and being that she's a doctor, thought I could ask her about it:

Me: oh by the way, is it normal that my cycles are 19 days then 35 then 30 then 50?

Dr: How long have you been trying?

Me: [the length of time it had been]

Dr: well, it usually takes [the length of time it had been one month]

The second time, I saw the PA instead of my doctor. I got the same response, plus some more, that I didn't nor never would, ask for:

PA: Where are you spiritually?

Me: Um, nowhere? We have our beliefs, but don't really go to church.

PA: Well, I'm a Christian, but don't think I'm cramming anything down your throat, as I proceed to cram it down your throat, including, but not limited to "God has a plan."

Now, I understand and respect that people make their religious choices, and even want to spread it to others (see: my dad). I found this exchange extremely inappropriate, though, as I was asking a medical question of a medical professional, and did not get a medically professional response. I almost called the office the next day to complain, but did not, being a champion of "why rock the boat on purpose when I do so often without realizing?". I did advise my mom and sister to avoid her.

(Note: recently my sister had a super sinus infection, and went in for the sole purpose of getting medication for it. She saw the PA. The PA refused to prescribe her anything. I don't know if they aren't allowed to or what, but she did not indicate that to my sister.)

Things did start looking up, obviously. Next post: The Topsy-Turvy OB Appointment.

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