Monday, October 16

festive bandage art

festive bandage art
Originally uploaded by aries rising.
i cut my finger BAD yesterday morning. i won't say the real way it happened, which is hella lame. the story i've been telling is slightly less lame, which is that i was carrying glasses from the living room to the kitchen. i was holding them tightly together and one busted.

the rest is true: in the nanosecond between the glass breaking and my seeing the damage, i looked back at my finger and it was covered in blood!!! the bright red gushing kind. i screamed, then daren came to my rescue, gathering supplies while i held my finger under the tap. he got me all sorted out. it still hurts a little.

i made it a ghosty face to be festive for halloween. that way, no one can bug me when i don't dress up again this year.

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