I've been listening to Diane Rehm's morning show on NPR occasionally for about 2 years. I forget who was on that first show I listened to, but when I heard this 70-ish-year-old woman with her grandmotherly voice go off on a pompous male 40-something author, with whom she happened to disagree, I was hooked.
Today, Diane addressed Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible accusations that Michael J Fox (ahem, known Parkinson's sufferer) was "off his medication or acting" in his campaign ads supporting Senate candidate Claire McCaskill (oh yeah, and stem-cell research).
He claims Fox was exploiting his disease for political gain. Last time I checked, Marty McFly isn't running for office, but could stand to gain scientifically from stem-cell research that could lead to a cure or better treatments for his debilitating condition.
Though Limbaugh "apologized" (I picture his signature sneer while he does so), Diane Rehm told him, via the airwaves "You are to get down on your KNEES, and BEG for his forgiveness." In that voice, man, I would totally hang out with her.